Yikes...am I ever behind on this...notice the dates. I can't believe I haven't posted about photo of the day since March. So you are in for a treat today...lots to catch up on. I was actually a bit embarrassed to even start this series again since it had been so long. Here we go.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
March 28, 2011
Sunny Breakfast
I decided to dedicate this week to Maria. She's growing up really fast and everyday she is doing something new. Her latest - getting out of bed (after being tucked in) and putting on a warmer pair of pants because she was cold - then tucking herself back in. It makes me realize how quickly it is/will go.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
March 29, 2011
Learning to use the mouse
Another thing to put on Maria's "I can do it by myself list".
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
March 30, 2011
Brushing her hair
She loves brushing her hair. After any bath or shower she insists on it. And she will often need to fix her hair at some point during the day.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
March 31, 2011
Although the plan was to shoot Maria for the entire week, I couldn't pass this up. William playing with his friend Thomas. Thomas is in this amazing house (I'd call it more of a mansion) that was built out of boxes by his dad. There is even a chimney!
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
April 4, 2011
I love getting my photo taken - with the kids. Otherwise, I prefer to be on the other side of the camera. A little tickle and a little kiss...she can hardly stand it.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
April 5, 2011
One of my favourite snacks. They never last long. And I was told it was mean to post this photo during lent. So sorry to all you who had given up chocolate.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
April 7, 2011
Yes - that is an exclamation point. How could I resist after a long, cold winter. After shooting and posting this picture, I decided that this would be
my canvas. It is currently on display at
The Robin's Nest in Elmira.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
April 11, 2011
Whenever I can, I try to get
shots of the kids. Sometimes they are reluctant and others they love the camera. This was one of those great times!
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
April 12, 2011
Laundry Day
You've gotta love the smell after laundry has been hung out on the line! Unless you are like my neighbour, who hangs her laundry out year round, it's the signal that summer is just around the corner.
www.greenapplephotography.ca |
May 4, 2011
William is a little turkey. He is showing his sly self in this picture. A little devious, a little happy and a lot cute (but I guess every mother would say that).
Wow...glad that I got that done. It has been sitting on my to do list for some time. Can't wait to get back on track and work on one week at a time again. Hope you enjoyed them!