Welcome to the Green Apple Photography Blog. By viewing my stories and images, you will get a glimpse into my shooting style and personal experiences. My mission is to get you excited about your family portraits, about the moments I capture of your gorgeous children and the beauty of your pregnant body. I want you to share them with your friends and family and to see quality and artistry in every image.

For the many people who share their comments, stories, and lives with me, thank you!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it"

At this point it is even difficult to process, let alone reflect on the last 2 days of CreativeLIVE with Sandy Puc'. But I can tell you it has been amazing and so, so much fun. We joked on day one that it was like being on Oprah. Sandy speaks, we sit on the edge of our seats and then she gives away stuff. At one point she actually said "you are all going home with one". Sandy's favourite things!! I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. But the truth is I didn't need prizes or this trip to Seattle to know that. I have the most generous, supportive, loving family in the entire world and I'm so lucky to have this forum to share that with you. Sandy has broken it down to what really matters: Time with the people you love. She's been inspirational and genuine and really, really funny. Benedryl!! LOL. Thank you for everything - everyone.

Thanks to Kenna for taking this shot. She's one of the beautiful people in this world too.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

" A culture, we all know, is made by its cities." Derek Walcott

As we walked around the downtown streets of Seattle, with our luggage, diaper bag, camera bag, laptop bag, stroller and oh yeah - our baby, we looked for some sign of where we had gotten off the light rail from the airport. Joe had his GPS, but wasn't getting a signal and I had no idea how to get to our hotel. It felt like the Amazing Race - Baby edition. At last I spotted a map located on a street post...this is where the tourists find their way and we were exactly that. Joe and I argued for a few minutes on the street - oblivious to who was walking by and probably laughing and I still had no clue exactly where we had to go to get to the hotel. When finally our hero appeared from his shop and said "do you need some help?" I was happy to say "yes!!" He also asked us if we were Canadian. I looked around for signs of a maple leaf. "takes one to know one" he told us followed by directions to our hotel. Coming from a small town in Ontario, big cities always excite and scare me. My experience in Toronto or Montreal is that everyone else is in a rush, walking with their heads down on their Blackberry (shout out to Waterloo) or iPhone and no one has the time to help a pitiful tourist trying to find their hotel amongst the skyscrapers. But Seattle is different. It's as though many different small towns have been pushed together by the forces of nature to form one large small town. People smile as you walk down the street, they help you find your way and welcome you into their small town.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When snow falls, nature listens. ~Antoinette van Kleeff

This winter has been a little disappointing for those of you who love snow. I can't say I'm it's biggest fan, but I have missed playing outside with the kids, building snowmen and throwing snowballs at them! LOL So when we finally got a decent "packing" snowfall on Saturday, I cancelled my plans and we headed outside. It was fun to run around and I considered it my daily workout. The other days I ... well...um.... So what if my legs were burning sore for the rest of the weekend. Here are a few shots of the kids in snow.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ~Vietnamese Proverb

It feels like an eternity since I shot these pictures. I was 3 weeks to my due date with baby # 3, I felt enormous and was moving very slooooow. Yes I used 5 o's, that's how slow I felt. Even though I wasn't planning on shooting past the end of September, I could hardly pass up a request from my sister to photograph her adorable boys. It was a beautiful autumn day, Thanksgiving weekend and some of my favourite people were on the other side of the camera.

Amy and Fraser, your boys are amazing! Thanks for recognizing my awesomeness...joking. I loved spending the time with you. And Amy, I won't tell a soul about the tears in your eyes. Shhh!