As we were out for our daily, evening walk tonight, we followed our usual route. Around the neighbourhood, downtown and back home. Downtown there are several cute, local owned high-end shops. We also have Lazer Video. The local convenience store/video store/ice cream shop. I know - I'm making Elmira sound smaller than it is. But it's true. It's really the only ice cream place in town. So when we walked past, Joe laughed at me because I said I couldn't wait to walk down with the kids on a hot, sunny summer afternoon and get an ice cream. He actually laughed out loud. I'm not sure why he was surprised. Ice cream is
one of my favourite foods...okay my very favourite food. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner...and I have. The sad thing about this post is that I currently don't have any ice cream to eat, or take a picture of. Here is a shot of my second favourite food. I guess I can suffer tonight and snack on this.
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